Category Archives: Cognitive Services

Creating a Knowledge Base Chat Bot w/ Azure Bot Service

A while back you may have caught my blog post introducing the Power BI Chat Bot 9000. Since posting that blog, I’ve received a lot of requests on the steps required to build the bot. The good new is that its super easy and really only take a few minutes to get it set up. In this blog post, I’m going to walk you through how to set up your own chat bot by creating a chat bot based on the SQL Database FAQ, which can be found here. Continue reading Creating a Knowledge Base Chat Bot w/ Azure Bot Service

Power BI FAQ Chat Bot 9000 lives!

So I’ve been working on a fun little project over the past couple weeks. A lot of my customers have questions related to Power BI and I spend a lot of my time answering those questions. So I said to myself, “Self, why don’t you build a chat bot that can help field some of those basic questions?” Thus was gloriously born the Power BI FAQ Chat Bot 9000!

The Power BI FAQ Chat Bot 9000 uses Azure Bot Service leveraging a knowledge base created using QnA Maker. Later I’m going to do a write-up on how exactly I created the Power BI FAQ Chat Bot 9000 (it only took me about 10 minutes), but for now I just want to share the bot with you. Start with “Hello” and then try Continue reading Power BI FAQ Chat Bot 9000 lives!