All posts by Dustin Ryan

Dustin is a Data Platform Solutions Architect on the Education team at Microsoft. You can find Dustin blogging and speaking at events like SQL Saturday, Code Camp, and SQL Rally. Follow Dustin on Twitter @SQLDusty.

SSAS Static Named Sets Vs. Dynamic Named Sets

So I’m 95% sure that I blogged about this topic at some point over the last couple years, but every time I try to find the link to show a class I’m teaching or to show a client, I can never find the darn thing. This is why I’m writing this blog. That and its also nice to have a good example of this on hand, which is what we have here.

In SSAS we have the ability to create named sets. An named set is basically an aliased set expression that we can use within our MDX queries. This is very useful if we have a set that is commonly used in our organization’s reporting solution.

But there are two types of named sets: static and dynamic. Static and dynamic sets appear very similar but they actually behave very differently, which is why I present to you the following example.

Below you will see a snippet of MDX from my cube script that creates a named set called Top 10 Customers – Static. This is the basic syntax for creating a named set in your cube’s MDX script. You’ll notice the static keyword, highlighted in blue. This specifies that we wish this named set to be static. The static keyword is actually optional, because if we leave the static keyword out of the create set statement, the set will still be created as a static named set.


AS topcount(



[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]

) ;

The next create set statement creates a dynamic named set called Top 10 Customers – Dynamic, the big difference here being obviously the keyword dynamic, highlighted in blue. This specifies that this named set should be created as a dynamic named set.


AS topcount(



[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]

) ;

Here you can see the create set statements in my Adventure Works cube script.


And here we can see the two sets as they appear in our cube’s metadata tab in SQL Server Management Studio.


Now this is where it gets interesting. Below we have an example of our static named set being used in a query on the row axis. And we can see that it works fine.


But what happens if add a constraint in the Where clause? Uh oh, we run into an issue. The static named set does not respect the Where clause (or a subselect statement in the From clause for that matter). The named set displays the same members instead of displaying the top 10 customers from the year 2006. This could be a problem for our users depending on the requirements of the reporting solution.



This could be where a dynamic named set may be more useful. Here you can see an example of  a query that uses our dynamic named set.


Except when we provide a constraint in the Where clause, the named set listens to the Where clause and displays the correct data. I know the Internet Sales Amount numbers are all the same but that’s just the nature of the Adventure Works data.


I think this perfectly demonstrates the differences between static and dynamic named sets. Static named sets behave exactly as their name suggests: They are static and do not respect the Where clause or a subselect statement in the From clause. The dynamic named set is dynamic and will listen to a Where clause slicer or a subselect in the From clause.

If this is all a little overwhelming to you and anytime someone mentions using MDX you curl up into the fetal position, suck your thumb, and sob uncontrollably, I would suggest taking a look at the BI xPress calculation builder. BI xPress has a nifty little wizard that will help you create MDX calculations and named sets without you having to do any of the tough MDX writing on your own.

To create a named set with the BI xPress calculation builder, click the little calculate icon in the Calculations tab of the cube designer in BIDS or SSDT. This will open up the MDX Calculation Builder Wizard part of BI xPress.


Choose the Top 10 Count template under the Sets folder and click Next.


On the next screen we can pick the attribute required for our set. In this case, I’ll select the Customer attribute of the Customer dimension in order to create the Top 10 Customers set we were playing with earlier.


Then we select the measure we want to use to rank our customers. I’m selecting the Internet Sales Amount measure.


Lastly we give our named set a name and click finish. On this screen we can preview the MDX the BI xPress MDX Calculation Builder wrote for us.


And we’re done!


The BI xPress MDX Calculation Builder wrote all the MDX for us without us having to know a lick of MDX! Pretty nifty if I do say so myself. For more information on BI xPress or the BI xPress MDX Calculation Builder, head over to and download the free trial of BI xPress.

And if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave a comment or shout out on Twitter @SQLDusty! Thanks!

Recording Now Available For The Webinar, Choosing The Right Analysis Services: MOLAP Vs. Tabular


Thanks to everyone that attended Devin’s and my webinar called Choosing The Right Analysis Services: MOLAP vs. Tabular. I’m pleased to announce that the recording is now available to watch for free over at, so please go check it out. It’s a little less than an hour so you can watch it during your lunch break.

Also, the PowerPoint slide deck Devin and I used during the webinar is also available for viewing now! Please visit this link to download the slide deck.

Now for the questions! Many of you asked some great questions but unfortunately we ran out of time to answer all of the questions during the webinar. So here are a few of the questions we didn’t get to.

Q: How do I link if column have more than one column is key column in tabular?
A: If you need to create a composite key in a Tabular model table, you will need to create a calculated column that concatenate the columns that make up your composite key. You’ll need to do this in both tables you wish to relate. Once you’ve done that, then you can create the relationship between the two tables using your new columns.

Q: Can DAX be used to access cubes?
A: In the SQL 2012 SP1 CU4 release, DAX support for multidimensional cubes was added, so as long as you are running on SQL 2012 SP1 CU4 or later, you should be able to query cubes with DAX expressions. On a side note, MDX can also be used to query a Tabular model.

Q: Since tablular solution is many ways better than Muti Dimensional..then my question is when to go for Multi dimensional solution
A: This is one we covered extensively during the webinar. Here are some of the things to consider:

  1. How much data are you dealing with? If its too much to fit into memory for your Tabular model, then MOLAP is the way to go.
  2. Do you have a need for complex relationships? If so, MOLAP may be the answer. Role playing dimensions and many-to-many relationships are possible to create in a Tabular model, but they’re easier to create and manage in a MOLAP cube.
  3. Do you need to perform many complex calculations involving complex Scope assignments? If so, MOLAP is the answer here.

Q: Can you use a Multidimensional database as the source for a Tabular model and improve performance when creating low level granular reports?? This goes back to the performance differences between Multidimensional vs Tabular when creating granular reports.
A: You can use a Multidimensional database as a data source for a Tabular model, but I would suggest getting the data from the original source for the tabular model. If granular type queries are slow against your cube, those same queries are still going to be slow when you execute them to process your Tabular model.

Thanks to everyone that attending Devin’s and my webinar! If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave a comment or send me a message on Twitter!

Adding/Copying SSIS XML Package Configurations

SSIS Package Configurations allow us to modify SSIS package properties from outside of the packages. This gives us a seamless way to dynamically point our packages to our development, QA, and production environments without needing to manually open and modify our connection managers within each SSIS package. Package Configurations can be created using a SQL Server table, environment variable, XML files, registry entry, or parent SSIS package, but this post will focus on creating an package configuration using an XML file.

To create the Package Configuration, open an SSIS package in SSDT or BIDS and right-click in the blank area of the control flow and select Package Configurations.


Check the checkbox to enable package configurations and then click Add to add a package configuration to the package.


In the drop down list next to Configuration type select XML configuration file. Browse to the location where you wish to store the XML configuration file and type in the name which you’d like to give your configuration file and hit enter.


And now time for a quick note on best practices and my thoughts on using XML configuration files. SSIS package configurations are most often used to configure Connection Managers from outside the SSIS packages. With this in mind, I prefer to create one package configuration per Connection Manager. I also prefer to name the configuration file the same name as the Connection Manager. In my experience, the 1:1 ratio of XML configuration files to Connection Managers eases maintenance and management of the XML configuration files. If you’re creating XML configuration files to configure other properties of the package such as package variables or task properties, you may find another solution works better for you. That’s just my .02 cents on the matter.

Now we need to specify the property which we wish to configure. In this example, I’m selecting the ConnectionString property of a Connection Manager. Check the checkbox next to the ConnectionString property under the Connection Manager. Click Next. On the final screen you’ll need to give the Package Configuration a name. I give the same name as the XML Configuration File to help things stay nice and neat.


We can see our package configuration has been created. Click close.


Yay! Now your package has an XML configuration file set up to dynamically configure your connection string of the connection manager you selected at run time. All that is left to do is to copy the XML configuration file to each environment the package will be run on: developer machines, development, QA, and production environments. Then you must also update the XML configuration file with the environment’s connection string. Just open the XML file in note pad and update the Connection String to point to the appropriate server and database.


So we’ve set up the package configuration on a package. But what if we need to copy the package configuration to many other packages? Sure, we could complete the previous steps manually on each package, but that would take a lot of time. We can, however, easily accomplish this in a few clicks with BI xPress. In order to complete the following steps you will need to have BI xPress installed. You can download and install a free trial version of BI xPress here.


Shift select all of the packages within your SSIS project including the package that has the package configuration applied as well as the packages you wish to modify. Then right-click the packages in the Solution Explorer and select Package Configurations (BI xPress) to open the BI xPress Configuration Wizard.


Click Next pass the first screen of the Configuration Wizard.


You should see all of the packages highlighted and in the Select Items window. Click Next.


In the following screen you should see your packages listed and the lone package configuration displayed beneath the SSIS package we added the configuration to.


Right-click the package configuration and select copy or simply highlight the package configuration and hit Ctrl+c to copy the package configuration.


Then select each package in the list individually and hit Ctrl+p to add the package configuration to each package.


Click the disk icon to save your changes and we’re done! Our package configuration has been added to each package with much less work than we initially went though.


Just be aware that if package configurations have not been enabled for the packages you added the package configuration to you will still need to complete that step for each package.

For more information on BI xPress just head over to or head here to download the free trial version of BI xPress. Enjoy!

Comparing SSIS Packages with BI Compare

Comparing SSIS packages isn’t always easy, as I’m sure you’ve probably discovered if you’ve ever tried to compare one package to another. Of course SSIS packages are simply XML files underneath the shiny GUI, but scrolling through pages of XML in order to discover the slightest differences between two versions of a package is not how I prefer to spend my afternoons. Thankfully, there’s an easier solution.

Pragmatic Works has developed a tool called BI Compare that allows you to easily compare two SSIS packages and easily view the properties of each package side by side with easy to spot indicators making it very easy to spot differences in the packages. BI Compare is a tool included with Pragmatic Works fabulous BI development and administration tool BI xPress.

With BI Compare we can set up a new comparison scenario, identifying the packages we wish to display on the left and the right.

Once we have executed the comparison between the two package, the package comparison displays a image for component and properties in the two packages that match, a image next to components that do not match, and a image next to components that are missing in the other package.

So its very easy to skim through the comparison results and view the differences between the two packages by simply looking for the X icons or <- icons. You also have the ability to filter which types of objects you wish to compare. For instance, if you don’t need to compare the connection strings simply because you’re comparing a package in development against a package in production, you can exclude the Connection String property from the comparison.

As an SSIS developer and BI Consultant, I’ve found this tool very useful during SSIS package upgrades and migrations. To get more information on BI Compare, head over to Pragmatic Works and download the free trial version of BI xPress.

SSAS Lessons Learned: 29% Better Compression and 11% Better Query Performance

The Importance of Sort Order

This past week I taught the SSAS Masters class which is one of the virtual training classes offered by Pragmatic Works. One of the things we discuss in the class is the importance of sorting the fact data in your data warehouse in preparation for Analysis Services. Simply by sorting your fact data, you can see much improved compression which can also improve your query response time, as well. But how much improvement in compression and query response could you see? Well that’s what I set out to discover by running a couple little tests.

Better Compression? Yes, please.

I started with my beloved Fact Sales measure group in the Contoso Retail Operations cube. The Fact Sales measure group utilizes a named query in the DSV that is a basic select statement from the Fact Sales table in the Contoso Retail database. I checked the size of the single partition that made up the measure group and saw that is was just over 129 MB in size. Not big but I thought we could improve that.

1 Partition Properties Fact Sales Unsorted

So I set out to sort my data. The trick to sorting your data is to start by selecting your top three fields with the least amount of cardinality (or uniqueness). Try experimenting with different sorting to see what kind of results you can get. For the FactSales table, I started with PromotionKey, CurrencyKey, and ChannelKey then went from there. I simply set my partition to Query Bound and utilized the following query:

SELECT   TOP 2147483647 CONVERT (INT, CONVERT (CHAR (8), DateKey, 112)) AS DateKey,
FROM     dbo.FactSales
ORDER BY PromotionKey, CurrencyKey, ChannelKey, StoreKey, ProductKey, DateKey;

Arguably there are better ways to sort the data for SSAS but that’s not the point of this blog post so I’ll leave that for you to decide.

I did a quick redeployment of the cube and processed the Fact Sales measure group.

2 Partition Properties Fact Sales Sorted

The partition size dropped down to 93.11 MB in size! That’s a whopping 28% decrease in size! Awesome!

28% is a pretty big storage savings, especially when we could potentially be dealing with a lot more data in an enterprise scenario. Personally, I’ve seen storage savings up to 45% simply by sorting the data in the relational engine.

Better Query Performance? Sign me up!

With small fact .data files, we should see better query performance, right? I mean, theoretically it makes sense, but I was curious about how much better query performance we would see. So I set out with another little experiment.

First, I used Excel to generate a nasty little MDX query for my testing, which I captured with profiler:

[Measures].[Sales Amount]
,[Measures].[Sales Quantity]
,[Measures].[Sales Unit Cost]
{[Date].[Calendar Week].[All Date]}
{[Product].[Product Name].[All Products]}
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Available For Sale Date]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Brand Name]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Category Description]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Category Label]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Class]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Color]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Description]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Image URL]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Label]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Manufacturer]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Size Range]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Size Unit Measure]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Status]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Stock Type]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Stop Sale Date]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Style]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Subcategory Description]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Subcategory Label]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Subcategory Name]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Unit Of Measure]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product URL]
,[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name].[Product Weight Unit Measure]
,[Date].[Date].[Date].[Asia Season]
,[Date].[Date].[Date].[Calendar Month]
,[Date].[Date].[Date].[Calendar Week Day]
,[Date].[Date].[Date].[Date Description]
,[Date].[Date].[Date].[Europe Season]
,[Date].[Date].[Date].[Fiscal Month]
,[Date].[Date].[Date].[Is Work Day]
,[Date].[Date].[Date].[North America Season]


I then modified my partition to use the unsorted data, redeployed, and reprocessed. Executing the query against the Contoso database with a cold cache returned the following execution time, which I captured with Profiler again:

3 Unsorted Query Duration Cold Cache

The query finished in just over 56 seconds. Against a warm cache, the query finished in about 50 seconds.

I once again altered my partition to be query bound the TSQL query previously mentioned, redeployed, reprocessed, cleared the cache, and ran my query. This time my query finished executing 49 seconds!

5 Sorted Query Duration Cold Cache

So simply by sorting the data for loading into my partitions, I saved 28% storage space and improved my query’s performance by 11%! Not bad for about 10 minutes worth of work, huh? I conducted my tests several times and each time the results were about the same.

The Tradeoff

It’s not all sunshine and roses. There is a slight drawback that you should be aware of and it has to do with additional time spent processing. By adding the Order By clause to your queries for the partitions, the queries will probably take longer to execute. This is going to add time to processing. This means you have to decide if you can live with the additional time processing in order to gain improved compression and query performance. Depending on many factors, the additional time spent processing could be minimal… or not. But you’ll have to decide if the additional processing time is worth the improvements.

The Conclusion

The lesson to be learned here is the importance of sorting your data for loading into your partitions. The performance improvements seen by simply improving compression of your partitions by sorting your data is an easy way to improve storage of your data as well as query performance.

I’d be interested to see if any of my readers could conduct their own tests and see what kind of performance benefits they see. So if you have a few minutes of your own, try this out and then leave a comment with your results. Good luck!

Are You Using SSIS Best Practices?

imageI’ve done a lot of consulting work over the last several years but one thing I’ve noticed that every single client is interested in is using best practices. Whether we’re talking about building SSRS reports, designing a data warehouse, building a 2 TB cube, or designing an ETL solution for a large data warehouse, everyone wants to use best practices. But its easier said than done. How do you enforce best practice rules across your organization? BI xPress attempts to remedy that problem with its SSIS Best Practices Analyzer.

The great part of the BI xPress SSIS Best Practices Analyzer is that you have the option to create your very own custom rules to enforce across your organization. Of course the tool comes packed with a list of rules put together by our team of ETL developers, but you also have the option to create your own rules to add to and improve upon our list of best practices. Very cool stuff!

Basically the way the tool works is very simple. BI xPress reads the properties of the packages you wish to enforce your organization’s best practices on and tests the properties based on the rules you’ve defined. For example, imagine your organization follows a specific naming convention for each and every component in your SSIS package. Simply create the rule that checks for proper naming convention using Rule Create dialogue.

After you’ve created your rules based on your teams best practices, its very easy to check your existing SSIS package to verify that they are utilizing best practices.

You can use your custom rules your team has developed or you can use the included rules put together by our team of consultants for those of you that are looking for best practice recommendations. If you’re looking to standardize yours SSIS packages and development life cycle, I’d encourage you to take a look at the BI xPress SSIS Best Practices Analyzer. Head over to for a free trial download.

Building Your First Tabular Model Webinar Recording and Questionnaire Now Available

Thanks to everyone who attended my webinar on the ins and outs and the basics of building your first Tabular Model. I hope everyone learned a little something and maybe picked up a couple tips or tricks along the way.

 Click Here To View The Recording

And thanks to everyone who had questions! I apologize for not being able to get to the questions during the webinar, so here are answers to a few of the questions posted in the chat window.

Question: “Don’t use joins” – that includes views that have joins under the covers, right?
Answer: That’s correct. That’s still going to create additional stress on the relational engine at query time and the last thing you want is to run into a locking/blocking issue during processing because you have complex queries behind the tables in your Tabular Model. If you need to join to other tables to pick up other columns, I would suggest getting with your ETL people and materializing the desired columns in the table so you can eliminate the joins.

Question: Could you please explain what difference of perspective and role?
Answer: A Role is used to define member permissions for your model. The Role defines what actions a user can perform on the model, such as read or process. A Perspective is a viewable subset of the model. A Perspective is similar to a SQL Server View on a Table. It can be used to display a subset of the model to a business unit in order to make it a little more simple to navigate through the model.

Question: What is the difference between Active & Inactive relationships?
Answer: In a Tabular Model, multiple relationships can exist between two table, but to create accurate calculations, we need a single path from one table to another. This means that even though multiple relationships exist between the two tables, only one will be actively used. The inactive relationships between the tables will not be used.

Question: Can a tabular “object” once built be put in source control and deployed by IT like SSIS packages and SSAS cubes?
Answer: Yes, Tabular Models can be deployed using the SSAS Deployment Wizard. The Create Script can also be generated from a deployed copy of the database and used to deploy to another server. For more information on SSAS Tabular deployment methods, see here.

Question: is there a way to change the database name and remove the ugly guid?
The guid is only appended to the database on the workspace server. The database can be deployed with whatever name you like. You can set the database name by going to the project properties and setting the Database property. Whatever you enter in as the Database name will be the name of the database once you deploy the database and will not include the yucky guid, unless you company standards are to use the guid :).

Questions: Does Tabular model have superior performance over OLAP based cubes? Also can Tabular model be used for time series data?
I would say generally speaking that a Tabular Model will have much faster query response on average, which is definitely one of the strengths of an in-memory database. OLAP cubes have the ability to contain much more data and can scale out better but in my experience queries against Tabular Models are usually much faster than queries against Multidimensional databases. Tabular Models also allow for time calculations. For more information on the kinds of time intelligence functions and calculations you can create with DAX, check this out.

Once again, thank you so much to everyone who attended my webinar. If I didn’t get to answer your question, I apologize. Feel free to post your question in the comments or on the forums of

And don’t forget to follow me on Twitter!

Unit Testing Your SSIS Packages

One of the challenges SSIS developers often face is being able to meaningfully test our SSIS packages or components within the packages. Pragmatic Works has released a new component to BI xPress that allows you to easily create a suite of tests to perform on an SSIS package.

Unit Tests can be performed on entire packages or individual components in a package. And those Unit Tests are grouped into Test Suites, so think of a Test Suite as a series of unit tests designed to test the functionality  of a set of components in a package or a series of packages.

Set up steps can be configured to make retesting very easy. If a file needs to be created or a T-SQL command executed before a test can be performed, those steps can be configured within the BI xPress unit testing interface. And these set up steps can be performed once for the Test Suite or once for each Unit Test within the Test Suite.

Once the packages have been added to the Test Suite, creating the Unit Test is as simple as selecting the package or task within a package to execute. Then specify the expected results.

Then its time to create the Unit Test Assertions, which are the steps to check to execution of the packages or package components. An Assertion could be anything from checking a table for a certain number of rows, checking for the existence of a file, or checking a property within the package, among many others.

The entire Test Suite can be executed or an individual Unit Test can be fire. The test results are displayed in an easy to read format.

Take a look at SSIS Unit Tests with BI xPress if you’re looking for a way to streamline testing of your SSIS packages. I’ve personally used this tool during client engagements and its a great way to standardize testing of your SSIS packages.

Performance Tuning of Tabular Models in SSAS 2012 Whitepaper Now Available

Tabular Model Via MSDN, there’s now a great whitepaper called Performance Tuning of Tabular Models in SSAS 2012 available for your viewing pleasure. There’s a treasure trove of great information in this whitepaper and I highly recommend anyone developing or reporting on Tabular Models to take a look at this whitepaper. So definitely take a moment to download and read this whitepaper.

While you download this historic piece of literature, here’s three little tidbits of knowledge I picked after my initial skim-through:

Partitions Don’t Help Query Performance

Partitions do not improve processing time and/or query time. In Tabular Models, partitioning tables in the model only serves to allow the administrator to selectively refresh smaller subsets of data as is the case with an incremental load of a fact table. If your fact table is incrementally loaded, you can save processing time and help you make your processing window by only processing the affected partitions, but partitioning alone will not improve processing time if you’re still processing all partitions.

Partitions in a table are processed serially, unlike partitions in a measure group of a Multidimensional Database which are processed in parallel. In a Tabular Model, however, since each table is independent of each other, tables can be processed in parallel even if partitions in a given table aren’t.

Unlike in a Multidimensional Database, dimension tables in a Tabular Model can be partitioned. This opens the door for incremental processing of those dimensions as well as some unique partitioning strategies for those dimensions.

Memory Is Crucial, Duh!

Obviously with a Tabular Model you need to be able to fit the model in memory to fully utilize the magical power that is Tabular. But if you have a 10 GB model, how much memory do you need? The correct answer is about 30 GB of memory. Why 30 GB you ask? During a Process Full of your Tabular Model, the database is kept online until the transaction for the processing operation is committed. That means that for the given 10 GB model, you need to be able to hold two copies in memory: 10GB for the old data and 10GB for the new data. Then you’ll likely need around 5 GB – 10 GB for various processing overheads. So keep in mind that you could need significantly more memory than you might think is necessary to support a single Tabular Model.

Table Queries Are Unaltered During Processing

In a Multidimensional database, the heavy lifting for dimensions is transferred

from SSAS to the relational database by executing “Select Distinct” statements for each attribute. For measure groups in a Multidimensional database, the query is wrapped in a subselect with only the necessary columns returned. This also means that using CTE’s, Order By statements, and procedures are not an option in a Multidimensional database. In a Tabular Model, however, the query for the table is unaltered which means that using CTE’s, procedures, Order By’s, and various other t-sql features is now possible. But this also means that the responsibility for returning only the required columns in the query is now the developer’s. Without removing the unnecessary columns from the query, processing will be less efficient and could take longer.

Like I said earlier, this is a great whitepaper and I highly recommend that you check it out!